Kind Attention : Ardent Buyers of Traditional Arts , Crafts & Handloom Textiles of India

The great cultural heritage of India, had always been my passion and fascination since early childhood. I started this blog as a hobby to promote the rich heritage of India worldwide. Business was not my motto initially when I started this blog. But now since I see demand and enquiries about India handicarfts, handloom textiles & other things listed in this blog from every corner of the globe, every now and then, I feel these beautiful arts and crafts should reach those, who really care for them and wish to possess them. Whosoever wants to purchase these items through me, may kindly have a look at my terms given below. Please note that the images posted on my blog are not a catalog. Right now, I am busy creating a voluminous catalog for the arts, crafts & handloom, handprinted textiles & handmade carpets of every nook & corner of India and this will take some time. This catalog will include the images, pricelist and sizes of all items to make it easier for the buyers.
Please read my consulting terms below and submit your acceptance by email:
1. I work with only a select group of the best handicraft dealers in India, who are hand-picked by me based on the quality and authenticity of their products, staff and customers. These dealers (private and public sector) are officially registered with the Government of India and fully comply with export terms and conditions.
2. All purchase transactions are between you and the dealer. I accept a referral fee (a certain percentage of the list price) from the dealer. This fee includes the time I put in to maintain a well-researched blog (Sanskkriti), travel expenses to dealer showrooms or warehouses within Bangalore city to discuss your order, and finally, ensuring that the handicraft product is as per your specifications and in perfect condition before packaging.
3. As an independent, professional consultant on Indian handicrafts, my role is to help you make an optimal buying decision, answer any questions you have until the sale, and see through a successful business transaction between you and the dealer who stocks the handicrafts that you are requesting for.
4. To make my role as effective and helpful as possible, I will require you to Cc (copy) me in all your email communications after I connect you with the dealer and inform me of all telephonic conversations until the sale. I expect the dealer to do the same. And, to ensure that the entire purchase experience is sincere and enjoyable for me, my clients and dealers - there are certain discussions that I pursue between us only if you are serious about the purchase.
5. Shipping and handling are managed by the dealer entirely, in partnership with well-known global logistics providers.
6. On a case-to-case basis - all refund requests, damage complaints, insurance claims and post-sales support are handled by the dealer entirely.

Best Regards,

Mala Chandrashekhar
Email :
Bangalore, India

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