The Great Bihar School of Yoga at Munger, India founded by Beloved Swami Satyananda Saraswathi

A brief write-up on Bihar School of Yoga at Munger, follows the following images of this first, foremost and greatest Yoga University in the world.

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga
The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga
The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga
The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga
The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

The Internationally reputed Bihar School of Yoga

Bihar School of Yoga (Yoga Ashram) was established in the year 1964 by Swami Satyananda Saraswati who was born in the year 1923, in Almora town of Uttar Pradesh. Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati is one of the greatest Yoga Gurus of India, known not just in India, but globally around the world as well. He was one of the direct disciples of the great 20th century Saint Swami Sivananda Saraswathi of Rishikesh.

This Institute is located in Munger near Ganga Darshan which is built over a large hill, overlooking the Utthar Vahini Ganga. Bihar School of Yoga was started with a vision to impart Yoga training and is by far one of the best and oldest Yoga training centres in the world. The main attraction of this Institution is its lovely scenic beauty surrounded by garden, green paddy fields and a majestic 180° panoramic view of the River Ganges.    

In 1988 Paramhamsa  Satyananda Saraswathi decided to withdraw from the main stage and migrated to Rikhia in Deogarh district of Jharkhand to lead a life of absolute isolation. He chose his eldest disciple, Swami Niranjanananda to take over the administrative and spiritual duties of the Ashram. Swami Niranjanananda Saraswathi is perhaps the youngest Yoga Gurus in India today.

The Bihar School of Yoga is known worldwide for its eminent Sannyasa ( Monastic ) training and is one of the first Institutions to initiate and train female Sannyasis (monks) from abroad on a large scale. People from almost all country around the globe visit this great Institution. The warmth and the greenery of the Ashram makes one feel completely relaxed and mentally peaceful. People who come here from different parts of the world don't have trouble following the instructions of the Ashram.  There are no   communication problems as the management of the Institution is well educated, experienced and speak English fluently. Here one learns the joys of leading a simple life away from laptops, cellphones & the multifarious electronic gadgets , as one discovers the unfathomable depths of our ageless, timeless Yoga.

The Institute also offers therapeutic Yogic treatment for various ailments and health problems related to anxiety, circulation of blood, weight loss,  migraines & the likes

Tucked away in an obscure, isolated town of Munger in Bihar, perched on a small hillock and ribboned on three sides by the holy River Ganges, is this  finest Yoga University in the world, far away from the spotlight & hustles & bustles of the world.  Within the Yoga Community globally, BSY is spoken of with supreme respect while otherwise the School is unknown to most of the masses.

The marble floored classrooms are the place where the sacred time of Yoga students & visitors from around the world are spent on Yoga mats.  The teaching is very gradual, layered and experiential- the special part is after every ‘element’ one has to see, experience & be aware of how the body felt. This systematically developed the angle of awareness to the Yoga.  This helps one to become aware of the tingling sensation, lightness,  tightness or energy shifts that each movement in Yogic posture creates. Self Awareness is at the core of  Yoga learning experience at BSY.  

The 12 hours of silence every day also helps in intensifying the learning. Even two months later one can still recall what the correct posture was, as the body remembers the sensations better than the mind.  If there is one reason why this place is called the Harvard of Yoga by many Yoga Practitioners, it is the supreme depth of teaching and the amazing quality of teachers.  The Satyananda Yoga tradition is classical, well researched, tried and tested.

Saatvic food, Karma Yoga and the Yoga classes set everyone into a memorable rhythm of Ashram life.  Early night and early morning routines get the body into a natural cycle. Students are from more than 30 odd countries globally and every single one of them is blown away by the wonderful quality of teachers in this Institute. One is also enchanted by the evening Satsangs where Foreign Nationals would chant and sing Mantras and Kirtans putting their heart & soul into the activity.

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati leads this great Institution today with utmost dedication. He is a great orator and his simple humour puts everybody at tremendous ease.  In the evenings he holds Satsangs on the genesis of Yoga and the tradition BSY belongs to. Introducing Swami Satyananda, his Spiritual Guru, one could sense his deep reverence he has for the Guru-Shishya Parampara.  His pride in the purity of the tradition is immediately apparent in his discourses.

Satyananda Yoga Tradition & Yoga Instructors' Course @ Bihar School of Yoga 

Bihar School of Yoga is recognized and respected world-wide as a Yoga training institution of the highest standard. People from all parts of the world come to receive Yoga training and to participate in an inspired vision of life based on timeless Yogic traditions.

Since 1963, under the guidance of Sri Swami Satyananda and his spiritual successor Swami Niranjanananda, the Bihar School of Yoga has been dedicated to the propagation of Classical, Integral Yoga – a blend of Yogic practices and principles for cultivating the faculties of head, heart and hands. This system is called the Satyananda Yoga or Bihar Yoga tradition.

Bihar School of Yoga introduces a systematic understanding of the practices of Satyananda Yoga and the methods of teaching of Swami Satyananda. Teachers of this tradition develop an integral understanding, not only of the physical, anatomical dimension and postural alignment, but also of the subtle pranic dimensions of experience and awareness.
The teachings of this course are imparted in the pure and peaceful environment of the Ganga Darshan Vishwa Yogapeeth Gurukul Campus. As a fully residential course, participants not only learn techniques and skills, but have the added opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience of Yoga as a vibrant and dynamic lifestyle.

Says Swami Satyananda Saraswathi,
“Yoga is going to be the culture of the future. The world can never be saved unless a complete process of reorientation of the Yogic culture is imparted to every man, woman and child. Yoga is a universal culture and represents the sentiments, aspirations and ideals, not only of one nation, but of the whole world.”

In addition to providing spiritual instruction to aspirants, the School also guides Yoga projects and Medical Research in association with various corporations and public works.

Internationally, the school is called Satyananda Yoga Campus of Bihar School of Yoga.

List of publications of Bihar School of Yoga

Through their Yoga Publications Trust, the school publishes books written by the preceptors of Bihar Yoga. The principal authors include Swami Satyananda and his direct disciple Swami Niranjanananda.

(1) 'A Systematic Course In The Ancient Techniques Of Yoga And Kriya' &  (2 ) 'Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha' are their two bestsellers on Yoga worldwide.  'Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha' is the main textbook and guide on Yoga followed globally in all renowned Yoga Schools & Yoga Centres.

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