Pictures from fun-filled, educative & awe-inspiring, spiritually grand & rewarding Hindu Mythologies of India

More information on Hindu Mythologies, Hindu Gods, Goddesses, Celestials, Demons, Rakshasas, Danavas, Asuras, Devarishis, Rajarshis, Maharshis & Brahmarishis, & Avataras, with web-links to the sources of the following awe-inspiring images from Hindu Puranas, will follow soon. Stay tuned, & please don't miss the joy & fun of exploring the countless, marvelous, centuries-old, millenia-old Hindu mythologies, of a culturally rich, aesthetically rich, spiritually rich, & unusually vibrant country like the Indian subcontinent, the awe-inspiring India. Click the hyperlinks in the following pictures to read the connected stories from the Hindu Puranas and Ithihasas.

Devi Mahalakshmi : Hindu Goddess of Wealth, Joy & Abundance
Ksheera Samudra Manthan of Hindu Mythology
Ksheera Samudra Manthan, with Devas & Asuras Churning the Ocean of Milk, from Hindu Mythology
Devi Saraswathi ( Hindu Goddess of learning & Wisdom, Playing Veena
Shiva drinking poison while the ocean of milk was being churned by the gods and demons

Shri Rama, from The Hindu Epic Ramayana, constructing a bridge over the ocean, to reach Lanka
Shri Rama, from The Hindu Epic Ramayana, constructing a bridge over the ocean, to reach Lanka
Hindu Good Ganesha & Goddesses Mahalakshmi & Maha Saraswathi
Hindu God Ganesha & Goddesses Maha Lakshmi & Maha Saraswathi
Hindu God Maha Vishnu, with His Consort Devi Mahalakshmii
Hindu God Maha Vishnu's Incarnation, Lord Narasimha, tearing apart the demon Hiranyakashipu
Hindu God Maha Vishnu's Incarnation, Lord Narasimha, tearing apart the demon Hiranyakashipu
Hindu God Shiva, with his Divine Consort Devi Parvathi
Hindu God Shiva, with his Divine Consort Devi Parvathi
Hindu God Maha Vishnu's Incarnation,Mohini, with a pot of nectar in her hand in Samudra Manthan
Hindu God Maha Vishnu's Incarnation,Mohini, with a pot of nectar in her hand in Samudra Manthan

Parvathi praying to have Shiva as her Consort

Parvathi offering her prayers to Shiva Linga to have Shiva as her Consort

Parvathi offering her prayers to Shiva Linga to have Shiva as her Consort

( Disclaimer : All images featured in this Blog-post, are the property of their respective owners. Our deepest sense of gratitude to all of them for making this gigantic project a reality. If you see your picture anywhere in this Blog and don't want it here, send us a message with the details and the link to the picture, and we will remove it right away. But at the outset, I just want to let my dearest readers know, that the noble purpose of this Blog, is to promote 'The Glorious Cultural Heritage of India' worldwide, to every nook & corner of the planet, and I would immensely love to see every single one of us, of Indian origin, passionately participating in this Mega-Project. I am right now in the process of adding the web-links to the sources of the innumerable images in this Blog. Till the work reaches completion, I would request the readers to use 'Google Image Search' to trace the source / multiple sources of these images on the web. The rich text contents througout this blog are based on well-researched aggregated and curated content from innumerable sources. But mostly and most importantly, these contents are based on my own personal experience of untiringly exploring the glorious cultural heritage India, and the ageless timeless ethnic arts, crafts, textiles, temples etc of the whole of India, during my stay across the length and breadth of this vast expansive Indian subcontinent for more than 5 decades of my long adventurous life. I have expressed my deepest gratitude to all the text sources on the 'World-Wide-Web', that have hugely contributed and added to my existing database of knowledge on this subject, by inserting appropriate hyperlinks throughout this blog, to connect my ardent readers from across the globe, to these rich sources of information on India's heritage. So Long, Mala Chandrashekhar )

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